viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Eatwell Plate

Hello dear students:

Now we are going to practice our reading comprehension. Watch the following Power Point presentation and answer the questions.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009


lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Welcome !

Dear student:

Welcome to this site!

Here you have an space to learn and improve your English language learning.

First you have a list of Websites to help you in your learning journey.
1)A bilingual dictionary.

2)A list of irregular verbs in English.

3) A list of regular verbs.

Now let's study the Cognates.

The cognates are words that have similar meaning and spelling in two languages. Watch the following video about "Global Warming". Find ten cognates and send an e-mail to your teacher and your classmates with your cognates.

Discuss the following questions with your classmates:

What is the global warming?

What are some consequences of this problem?

Now watch the following Power Point presentation.

Find 10 cognates in the presentation.Write a list with the cognates that you found in the video and in the presentation.

What solutions of the presentation do you think are the most important?

What did you learn with these activities?
Share your answer with your teacher and your classmates.